I don't usually post individual deals, but this is a fairly big drop in price for a very popular game. The physical copy of Fallout 4, for PC of course, is currently a little over $18. Since, digitally, it is still a $60 game, this is about 70% less than the price on Steam.
I'm guessing that this deal is to clear out stock for an upcoming Game of the Year edition. This is something to keep in mind. The last DLC has just been released two weeks ago, and, if history serves, that means it won't be too long before they release the game with the DLC bundled in. Probably, if you waited this long, you should wait until that gets released (and goes on sale) to pick it up. I doubt that it would arrive before 2017, though, so it's up to you.
If you don’t have it, and you
If you don’t have it, and you don’t care about the DLC (which is not mandatory and also not cheap) I’d say yes. The graphics are improved (added HBAO+, weapon debris) from the original release last October, and it’s a fun game. Not for everyone but I had a blast.
Nah, the game is absolute
Nah, the game is absolute shit. Unoptimized as fuck.
…is not accurate.
…is not accurate.
As of Patch 1.7 (Aug 2, 2016)
As of Patch 1.7 (Aug 2, 2016) The game runs still very choppy and is limited to 60 fps. If you unlock the fps game will become smooth but the game speed will increase as the fps increases so you can go easily 2x faster(really shitty coding) and you will get stuck on terminals forcing you to reload.
So unoptimised is quite accurate. Runs shittier than your usual 60 fps crap.
Although not as good as FNV I
Although not as good as FNV I still enjoyed my time in Boston, plus the 2 proper DLCs were enjoyable.
One of the most empty, boring
One of the most empty, boring games you can spend hours and hours playing.
It’s biggest step forward was graphics, which much of the advanced graphics tech included was made by Nvidia.
Bethesda, like many others, care more about cash money than making something unique.
I’ve heard the same, that it
I’ve heard the same, that it is rather empty and simplified, so I’ll wait a year or so for the game to be thoroughly modded before I give it a shot.
I torrented this game to give
I torrented this game to give it a try before deciding to buy. I did not decide to buy. Not my cup of tea.
For this caliber of game I’ll
For this caliber of game I’ll wait for the inevitable $5 GOTY edition.
Relevant https://xkcd.com/606/
My GTX 1250 will *so* pwn this game
With all of the DLC and bugs
With all of the DLC and bugs games release with these days it’s almost as if it’s all in early access. For me it’s best to wait for them to be done with everything before I play now.
That being said I’ve never been a fan of bethesda games. If the entire package comes bundled for around five dollars I might consider it but since I couldn’t even get through new vegas I kinda doubt I’d play FO4 for free.
Wow all the haters. This is
Wow all the haters. This is the best Fallout yet in terms of open world fun IMO, and yes I have played them all. Scrapping, crafting,upgrading weapons and armor? Building settlements is also fun. I’m still playing it. If I didn’t already have it i would happily pay $18 for it and use a bunch of money that I saved on DLC which, as someone pointed out, is not necessary.