Just a handful of days into this busy month for video game companies, and AMD has released their third Radeon Software Crimson Edition drivers for November. 16.11.3, like 16.11.2 and 16.11.1, are not certified by WHQL. From a quality standpoint, Microsoft certification hasn't exactly made a difference over the last year or so. In fact, both graphics vendors rapidly releasing hotfixes between regular WHQL milestones seems to have a better user experience. Unfortunately, this does mean that users of clean installed Windows 10 1607 with Secure Boot enabled will be missing out. Correction: The drivers are actually signed by Microsoft with the attestation process.
As for the driver itself, 16.11.3 rolls in AMD's optimizations for Dishonored 2. The game goes live in two days, so this should give users an opportunity to find a good time to install and reboot before launch. It also fixes an issue where Valve's Steam client and EA's Origin client would fail when an external GPU, using AMD's X-Connect Technology standard, is detached.
Keep it up AMD my rx480 is
Keep it up AMD my rx480 is singing along nicely.
Scott, what do you Think of
Scott, what do you Think of this OpenGL implemented in Vulkan project? Maybe a way to port over OpenGL games to Vulkan quickly at first. Then later over time converting the OpenGL game over to direct Vulkan usage.
“OpenGL Overload: Implementing OpenGL Over Vulkan”