These days, 3D content is created mostly by blocking out geometry, then painting materials onto it with stencils and stamps. For instance, if you wanted a rusty sign, you would start with a metal base, stencil on the logo, then paint, stamp, or stencil rust spots, scratches, and whatever else. When you’re done, you can then export the resulting, 2D textures. Previously, you would bounce back and forth between Photoshop and your 3D application, trying to remember which edge on your UV outline corresponds to which triangles on the model.
While this Blender Plug-in doesn’t have the same benefits as something like Substance Painter, and its library of PBR materials, BPainter can allow you to paint separate layers and channels on your 3D model. In other words, you can paint scratches and scuffs into the roughness channel, and colors into the albedo channel, directly on top of your model, which immediately shows you the results in your scene’s lighting. Again, this is less direct than “select steel from material library” “fill steel on object” “select rusted steel from material library” “paint rusted steel on object” but it’s a welcome plug-in none-the-less.
Unless one has been announced in the last week, there is currently no release date for BPainter. Their last plug-in, Asset Sketcher, was released under the GPL license.
Thanks for the link.
Thanks for the link.
Will have to give it a go when it comes out.
So while you work on your projects, what method for texture painting do you use?
Lately, almost all of the
Lately, almost all of the models have materials fall upon edges, so I just do multiple materials. They're usually offline renders anyway, so I don't need to optimize for draw calls.
The little bit of texturing (like the PCIe pins on the Multi-GPU animation) that I do, I do in Photoshop and Filter Forge. That said, I have a few things I want to do if I can justify the time, and I would probably use Substance Designer or Quixxel for them.
Welcome to the world of
Welcome to the world of Free/openSource software……and people said Linux software sucked. (I know it is multi-plat)
Thanks for the link.
Thanks for the link.