A little late on this one, but it’s been on my backlog for quite a while and I think it’s worthy of “public service announcement” status. Last week, Valve published a new Steam Client feature that allows users to relocate specific games to other folders. Just right-click on any installed games, click “Properties”, click the “Local Files” tab, then click “Move Install Folder…”.
So yeah, if you want to switch games to and from an SSD, the Steam Client can do it for you. You could always do it by shutting down Steam Client, moving the folder between two folders that Steam tracks, and restarting the client. I have experienced some situations where the Steam Client then looks at the files, determines that they’re invalid, and redownloads them. While I that just happened to align with a new patch or something, it’s a moot point now that Steam Client just does it for you.
So yeah, if you didn’t already find out about this: enjoy.
Mine still can’t do that and
Mine still can’t do that and I’m in the beta, what the hell….
Weird, because it works in
Weird, because it works in mine.
In About Steam, my client's build date is Jan 18 2017, at 17:25:55
You might have to install one
You might have to install one game first on a separate drive and then it works.. it’s working for me as well. so glad this feature is finally here..
Thx scott, I just bought a
Thx scott, I just bought a new ssd for my games and I was just about the move them to it using the old “move in windows, then reinstall to the same location” trick. This is a bit friendlier.
You could open the
You could open the appmanifest file with notepad++ to see what game it was for and move it along with the folder for the game and just start steam and it was moved.
I long ago moved my whole
I long ago moved my whole Steam folder to my D: drive.
So, I’m already covered for program files. What would be nice is if we could set a location for save games instead of having them strewn all over the system.
this, I always forget one or
this, I always forget one or two saves when reinstalling windows
I wish devs would all make
I wish devs would all make their games independent and self contained, truly portable like Unreal. No registry dependencies, no bloatware DRM client required, saves and .ini all located in the program directory. You can move it anywhere you want, between any systems, and it will be 100% configured and ready.
And easier to pirate…
And easier to pirate…
For the “end user” pirate,
For the “end user” pirate, it’s just as easy because they don’t have to deal with that crap. Only legitimate paying customers have to deal with it. it’s not like the DRM isn’t going to get cracked, so they might as well just release the game without it. Incidentally, RE7’s Denuvo just got cracked within 5 days. It’s utterly futile.