If you were having issues with Minecraft on NVIDIA’s recent 378.49 drivers, then you probably want to try out their latest hotfix. This version, numbered 378.57, will not be pushed down GeForce Experience, so you will need to grab them from NVIDIA’s customer support page.
Beyond Minecraft, this also fixes an issue with “debug mode”. For some Pascal-based graphics cards, the option in NVIDIA Control Panel > Help > Debug Mode might be on by default. This option will reduce factory-overclocked GPUs down to NVIDIA’s reference speeds, which is useful to eliminate stability issues in testing, but pointlessly slow if you’re already stable. I mean, you bought the factory overclock, right? I’m guessing someone at NVIDIA used it to test 378.49 during its development, fixed an issue, and accidentally commit the config file with the rest of the fix. Either way, someone caught it, and it’s now fixed, even though you should be able to just untick it if you have a factory-overclocked GPU.
so many dam hotfixes common
so many dam hotfixes common nvidia get your shit straight
Still having problems with my
Still having problems with my gtx 1070 not boosting up to my normal clock on this driver. Have had to go back to 379.49 to get my 1950mhz back