If you are a perpetual license holder for Unity 5.x, then your last free update has just arrived. Unity 5.6 brings Vulkan for Windows, Linux, and Android. I just installed the new version and checked to see which graphics APIs it uses on Windows when you uncheck the auto box, and the list comprises of DirectX 11 and DirectX 9. It’s possible that auto could be choosing Vulkan, but I’m not going to query which process is loading which DLL under a variety of conditions. If you’re interested in Unity development, go to File -> Build Settings -> Player Settings -> Other Settings and choose the load order of your APIs, using the + button to add one that’s not there by default.
The lighting system should be more impressive, though. In Unreal Engine 4, I’m used to having dynamic lighting until I stop everything and start a lighting bake. When it’s done, I have static lighting until I invalidate it with a change (and the level is set to invalidate light maps on changes). In Unity 5.6’s case, though, it will just slowly replace the light maps as they are calculated, getting progressively higher quality. Since you can notice problems at low quality, you only need to wait as long as it’s required to see the errors, which speeds up development.
In terms of platforms, Unity 5.6 adds Daydream, Cardboard, Nintendo Switch, and WebAssembly.
Unity 5.6 is available now. The preview of Unity 2017, the next version, should arrive this month.
Unity is fun to play with,
Unity is fun to play with, specially if you have a VR headset.
And its trivial to setup, as its just a click of a button.
I think Unity got the majority of the game (and non game) 3D development figured out.
There is little type of project that Unity cant tackle.
OK is’t monday 3/3/2017, and
OK is’t monday 3/3/2017, and two huge tech news stories are dropping all over the interwebs. How long will it be before the news gets reported by PCPer. So set your watches to Now, and see how long it takes.
Well it’s 4/3/2017 and I’m
Well it’s 4/3/2017 and I’m asleep at the wheel, but I’m disabled in the head and can’t sleep properly for days sometimes. But some big news is dropping all over the interwebs for sure.
Yeah, I’m writing up
Yeah, I'm writing up something about the Imagination Technologies press release as we speak.
On a side note, I’m glad
On a side note, I’m glad PCPER doesn’t have the constant click-bait that other sites have.
I have an urge to create an “article” that sounds legit to see how far it goes.
This has nothing to do with
This has nothing to do with click-bait there where corporate announcements regarding one of the big stories that was missed. So it’s more about getting up early or setting up some news alerts(Google, or other alerts) for some of the big industry players(CPU, GPU, Others). So when some newsworthy announcement shows up it can be reported on before the story becomes stale. Even setting up email feeds from some of the corprate press portals so those announcments are sent to the reporter’s in-box.