A two part rumour circulating the internet this morning, involving new processors and a new naming convention. The leak that The Inquirer posted about this morning reveals six new Intel processors, two Kaby Lake-X processors with four cores running at a base clock of 4GHz or 4.3GHz depending on the model and TDPs of 112W. More interesting are the new Kaby Lake-X processors which are referred to as Core i9 models, running from an i9-7800X @ 3.6GHz base to the i9-7920X which runs at an unspecified speed. All will have four times the L2 cache of the current i7-7700K and Turbo 2.0 Boost Max to increase the frequency of several cores at once as well as Turbo Boost 3.0 for single-threaded workloads.
It will be interesting to see if the Core i7 family continues as an upper middle class of processors with the i9 family replacing it's current standing or if the new processors will be priced like high end Xeons.
"The slide, which an Anandtech forum member claims is an internal Intel document, provides details of four new Skylake-X processors and two Kaby Lake-X CPUs. The Skylake-X processors are described as Core i9, and if the leak is genuinely – and that's a fairly big if – the new Core i9s will replace Core i7s as Intel's top-of the-pile PC chipset range."
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I was gonna make a joke/be
I was gonna make a joke/be stupid as usual but then I thought of a ‘serious’ question…Let’s assume these are the new Kaby Lake’s (by the way I’m saying it KAY-BE-LAKE as I type it), do you think the 112W TDP will make any practical difference in these as far as highest realistic clock speeds goes?
Not really . Extreme ocers
Not really . Extreme ocers (nitrogen ) may see more clock speed due to additional power pins on lga 2066.
So basically turning $1000+
So basically turning $1000+ server xeons into $1000+ enthusiast chips.
They must have worked extra had reprogramming the laser that inscribes the IHS.
I’m really curious how the
I’m really curious how the new 1MB L2 cache of Skylake-X (4x) is going to help in games and other applications.. I’d like to upgrade to either this or Coffeelake (love Coffee anyway) from my 2600K for VR gaming.
its not. they are trying to
its not. they are trying to cut cost. they are bleeding money cause of the type of cache they use.
A wonderfully useless answer.
A wonderfully useless answer.
The core wars have begun –
The core wars have begun – should be an interesting year – few of us need the extra cores, but for those that do, Intel is still better than Ryzen…
Obviously but once AMD gets
Obviously but once AMD gets better yields and better stepping I believe we will see higher clocked or higher capable oc CPUs in the years to come , the upcoming 16 core ryzen cpu boosted to 4.0 GHz is just the base it can only go up from here.
Customer:”so how is this i9
Customer:”so how is this i9 better than an i7?”
Intel:”well, its 2 more i’s, duh”
The lineup of Skylake-X CPUs
The lineup of Skylake-X CPUs looks just like the previous “extreme edition” lineups, now just renamed to ‘i9’ from ‘i7’. The Kaby-lake-X i7s really should have more differentiation from the Kaby Lake i7s though, at least retain the ‘x’ suffix!
So not only are quad-cores
So not only are quad-cores now HEDT but a quad-core without HT is an i7? Interesting…