Patrick Kennedy of Serve The Home has just published his server-centric test EPYC test results and in his own words, "while AMD is very competitive at the high-end, its mainstream offerings are competing with de-featured Xeon Silver CPUs and absolutely obliterate what Intel is offering."
The EPYC 7351P, which should sell for roughly $750 was tested against Intel's Xeon Silver 4108 which runs about $440 in various server applications such as GROMACS, OpenSSL and even a chess benchmark. The tests were done with single socket EPYCs, the "P" series, which are offered at a significant discount when compared to AMD's dual socket family; benchmarked against Intel's Xeon Silver in both single and dual socket configurations. The only time that the Xeon's performance came close to the single socket 7351P were when they were configured in dual socket systems, even then AMD's EPYC chip came out on top, often by a significant margin.
Raw performance is not the only advantage AMD offers on EPYC, the feature sest also far outstrips the somewhat watered down Xeon Silver family. The single socket 7351P offers 128 PCIe lanes while a dual socket Xeon Silver can only offer 96 and EPYC can handle up to 2TB of DDR4-2666 in its eight channel memory controller whereas Intel is limited to 1.5TB DDR4-2400 in a dual socket server nor can it support dual AVX-512 nor Omni-Path fabric.
Intel does have some advantages that come with the maturity of their platform, including superb NVMe hotswap support as well as QuickAssist and they do have higher end Xeon Gold chips which include the aforementioned features that the Xeon Silver line lacks, however they are also significantly more expensive than EPYC.
You can expect more tests to appear in the future as STH invested a lot of money in new hardware to test and as the tests can take days to complete there will be some delay before they have good data to share. It is looking very positive for AMD's EPYC family, they offer an impressive amount of value for the money and it will be interesting to see how Intel reacts.
And Just think a little more
And Just think a little more than 16 years ago AMD’s stock value was around $93 a share and that was about 6 years before AMD purchased ATI which was mostly on Opteron sales that AMD had the revenues to justify the 93 dollar per share price. So Epyc will get AMD an even larger share of the server market than even back then with these Epyc system’s performance/features metrics and that’s not including the Radeon Pro WX/Radeon Instinct MI25 sales that will net AMD some nice revenues to go along with the Epyc Server/HPC Revenues.
That Project 47 supercomputer from AMD/Partner uses 20 Epyc 32 core CPUs and 80 Vega 10 die based Radeon Instinct MI25 for its infrencing workloads. So Raja’s Vega 10 compute/AI Micro-Arch is definitely not a Failure and will get the proper mark-up for AMD’s/Raja and Team’s efforts in the professional compute/AI markets.
There will definitely be the revenues there next time for AMD to properly Fund any RTG gaming only focused GPU variants and the Infinity Fabric will help with and new dual Vega GPU dies on a single PCIe card SKUs that are coming in 2018. Currently AMD has no problems selling Vega 10 based SKUs, Polaris SKUs likewise. So AMD’s revenues will be on the upswing from here on out mostly. Zen has saved AMD bacon for real this time.
AMD has fanally washed Hector and Dirk out of its TressFX.
What are you angry about this
What are you angry about this time? Can’t you be happy about a computer running the we browser you need to get all your Trunip news?
Comparing a $417-$429 85 W
Comparing a $417-$429 85 W CPU against a $750 170w CPU? the results is obvious, that’s an easy win.
The Xeon Silver 4114 which have 2 more cores, cache and higher base frequency for $694-$704 would have been a much better and fair comparison.
They did 2x $417 85W CPUs
They did 2x $417 85W CPUs against a 750 170W CPU which sounds fair. Or did you comment without reading? There’s the Silver 4114 and Silver 4116 in every chart.
Agree with the OP, the comparison here are stunning.
And AMD’s Epyc 1P SKUs even
And AMD’s Epyc 1P SKUs even represent a feature for feature better deal that any of AMD’s Consumer/Threadripper Branded CPU/MB platfoms for workstation usage. Not so with Intel and its costly Xeon kit where stripped of features is a feature according to Intel, a feature that nets Intel extra $$$$$$ at the expense of Intel’s customers!
AMD is the anti-segementator while Intel represents the product segementator max with every little segment created costing Intel’s customers extra money. AMD offers more features standard on AMD’s Epyc/Consumer CPU/MB platform offerings while Intel intentionally strips features out and charges EXTRA/$$$$$ to put them back. Intel gimps AVX Units, RAID abilities(Users have to Purchase$$$ RAID Keys), PCIe lanes on Intel/platform CPU/Motherboards(Segemented to hell and back so users have to pay extra for more PCIe lanes), ETC!
A big serving of Linus Face-Palm with Linus setting in the rain on that curb wondering when Intel’s Infamous Product-Segementing will end but all the while Knowing that Intel is a Product Segmentation-REX beast that will try any milk for every last bit of money, Milk Milk Milk!…
Tis a good day for freedom.
Tis a good day for freedom.
Yes, a good day for
Yes, a good day for x86/Platform CPU choice freedom and also a great day For AMD’s freedom from and dependency on any fickle consumer markets. And that Includes any AMD dependency on ONLY the most fickle consumer market of them all the gaming market!
So AMD will acheve a larger market Cap on it’s CPU/Professional makret alone, maybe even larger than Nvidia’s market Cap over time, and just from CPU revenues alone(Epyc Revenues mostly). Look at AMD’s past Opteron days when AMD was only about CPUs and had not yet purchased ATI, and AMD’s share price was around $93 dollars. So AMD is now truely free at last from those fickle consumer markets as a sole source of revenues, a consumer market dependency that nearly had AMD insolvent at times.
So Thanks Lisa and Raja for upping the x86 game and the GPU compute/AI game with Vega 10. Those Professional markets will pay the proper mark-up for those Vega 10 based Radeon Pro WX SKUs and Those Radeon Instinct MI25(Vega 10 based) AI SKUs. Compute/AI is where the real moneyrevenues are and at a proper mark-up to stay in business. Props to Jim Keller/Team(Zen and K12/?) also for Helping to Free AMD from the Tyranny of the fickle consumer markets that almost put AMD out of business forever!
AMD closed a deal with Tesla
AMD closed a deal with Tesla for a new AI SOC.