It's Friday, which means it's time for PC Perspective's weekly mailbag, our video show where Ryan and team answer your questions about the tech industry, the latest and greatest hardware, the process of running a tech review website, and more!
On today's show, Ryan tackles the following topics:
00:37 – When will VR/AR become mainstream?
03:27 – Hardware improvements vs. software optimization?
05:52 – 2-in-1 laptop with longest battery life?
09:09 – HDMI vs. DisplayPort?
11:58 – Will AMD GPUs ever be available at retail price again?
14:12 – L3 cache and single threaded performance?
17:08 – Will NVIDIA ever support FreeSync?
18:51 – When will games take advantage of many-core CPUs?
21:15 – How long does it take to physically make and ship a GPU or CPU?
Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to make sure you never miss our weekly reviews and podcasts!
thumbnail caption:
“suck it”
thumbnail caption:
“suck it”
Will the Bengals ever win a
Will the Bengals ever win a Super Bowl?
This is not a fair question.
This is not a fair question.
Hey Ryan. Any chance that
Hey Ryan. Any chance that you guys can make an audio only version of the mailbag? I’d love to listen to it as a podcast.
Why you do not ask
Why you do not ask manufacturers when we get HDMI 2.1?