It's Friday, which means it's time for PC Perspective's weekly mailbag, our video show where Ryan and team answer your questions about the tech industry, the latest and greatest hardware, the process of running a tech review website, and more!
Here's what you'll find on today's show:
00:32 – Where are the Ryzen X370 mATX motherboards?
02:41 – Testing air coolers vs. AIO water coolers?
05:35 – Consumers' right to know GPU memory manufacturer?
07:46 – Resolution vs. refresh rate?
09:11 – Guest hosts on the PCPer podcast?
10:31 – Why is VEGA a power hog?
12:06 – High Performance Windows power plan for low-end CPUs?
13:59 – What is asynchronous compute and why is AMD better at it?
16:51 – Why do game devs use NVIDIA SKDs when consoles run AMD?
19:00 – CPUs: soldered vs. TIM
20:12 – Ryan's parenting time management?
Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to make sure you never miss our weekly reviews and podcasts, and please consider supporting PC Perspective via Patreon to help us keep videos like our weekly mailbag coming!
Long running scripts/other ad
Long running scripts/other ad caused borking of the browser UI in your ad partners pushed out ads. The ads are crashing the browser, many times over, before sucessful page loads and ruining the overall readability of PCPER!
stop using netscape!
stop using netscape!
Anyone having such issues is
Anyone having such issues is advised to install uBlock Origin.
I’m actually surprised to
I'm actually surprised to hear you say that. We try very hard to avoid the bad offenders in this area in order to avoid becoming the mess that some of our competitors have. It costs us A LOT of money to NOT do that, but I think its worth it.
Can you point me to a script/section that was causing issues?
All I know is that the
All I know is that the browser warning states “long running script” when I try doing anything like scrolling with the scroll bar and this is something in the ads that is preventing the page from fully loading, and 15-30/longer seconds of waiting before the page to load and the UI functionality is unlocked because it is being held up waiting for the ads to load from the ad partners’ server/s.
So your web-page does not appear to work(Its UI functionality like scrolling/other mouse/UI navigation functionality) is all held up waiting for some ad to be pushed out by some ad partners’ ad server and with the ads come ad scripts that most surely are preventing page UI-scrolling/other page UI functionality and Locking the browser’s UI until that ad loads.
I have even had some weird video content that pops up in the gray ad area on the right on your website load when scrolling down the page that really borks the browser-UI and really degrades the UI to the point of it being useless at times for many seconds. It appears to mostly come and go on your site but when it’s bad it really makes it impossible at times.
Who Knows which ad script is the cause and there are so many HTTP/other connections going on in the background with these ads and whatever CMS you are using. So that’s ad server connections, ad telemetry, other stats-counters and such host/server connections going on in the background that the ads/scripts connect to in the background. It’s very hard to tell other than watching the browser choke on it all and require a browser/page restart/page reload, multiple times, until the page actually loads without blowing up or the browser navigation locking up.
It’s sure a bit like the weather with these disruptive ads, mostly due to crappy pushed out ad scripts or poor ad host/server connections and whatever the CMS is PHP/pushing out for HTML before the HTML compositor/whatever is called and all that ad/scripted control over the Browser UI can cause problems. Your Content Management System maybe has some statistical tracking/telemetry functionality that can track any web performance issues related to page loading caused by any ad partners’ ads and that’s not going to be very easy to find and fix.
I do not want to be forced to use ad blockers/no-script because well webpages need income streams and all. But the Folks that design the CMS systems need to have some sorts of ad to web-page loading/other performance tracking with respect to any ads that may be causing performance degradation problems once the comtent is pushed out to the users browsers or users will have no other choice in the matter than to use the ad/script blockers.
all joking aside:
clear your
all joking aside:
clear your cache – works wonders and might even fix your issue
try a different browser – but clear cache in that browser first
try it from a different pc, again clear cache first
if none of that works, reinstall browser, you might have a setting(s) corrupted and/or changed that you may not know about
I’ve used chrome, firefox and ie 11, page loads just fine, even from samsung’s browser on my phone.
@pcper, have you guys tried loading your own page using different browsers, from different platforms and different OS?
not saying that your theory isn’t valid, but it seems like the issue could be with your device you are tryign to browse with.
hmm the autoplay video ad
hmm the autoplay video ad thing sounds like adware or something, have you tried a different browser or PC Next time it happens you can send me screenshots..
I have found a lot of friends
I have found a lot of friends of mine have browser hijacking toolbars or plugins installed on their machines that generally do obnoxious things. Making sure your browser isn’t compromised is a good first step. In mostly view your website on mobile, which doesn’t seem to have much in the way of annoying adds. Many web sites go too far and end up getting blocked by noscript when running at home.
Given this another look, the
Given this another look, the top advertisers making the most request on this page within 1 minute are:
Brightroll with 1464 request.
AOL with 149 request.
Moat with 66 request.
The Trade Desk 24 request.
Federated Media 21 request.
All others advertisers kept their request under 10.
And the funny thing is while on this page, memory usage went from 166MB to 970MB. As the request increase the longer you wait, so does the memory usage.
And it’s the ads below the “Lastest News” block such as the Flashtalking that creates those crazy request.
Ryan, I believe that he may
Ryan, I believe that he may be pointing to the last ad block on the side. It’s the only one that likes to scroll with you when you’re reading through an article and it’s the most animated one that changes often. And the content does get weird at times too.
There are times it won’t display anything and appear invisible.
Hope this helps 🙂
Edit: (additional)
It changes based on the content you’re looking at. So if the comment talks about anything Intel, it’ll show a product sponsored by Intel. You scroll to a different section, and it’ll change to something else. It’s a funny observation XD
thumbnail caption:
thumbnail caption:
“Just stealth farted on Ken and Allyn got blamed, damn I’m good!”
I read that cstates decrease
I read that cstates decrease performance in some tests, albeit by a small amount. Is this small penalty in performance due to slower CPU frequency ramp-up and therefore would disappear if a test was very long?
While I’m on that topic, what really is the difference between cstates and adaptive voltage mode on the motherboard? If I have EIST and I’m on adaptive mode I don’t see any benefit in power draw out the wall via a kill-a-watt.
PSUs get better year after year. Approx how much loose voltage regulation or excessive ripple could somebody expect to impact their hardware/overclocks?
Does anybody really know if the poor thermal performance under the IHS of Intel cpus are due to the paste only, or whether the adhesive and z-height gap is also an issue?
Will you ever do trace-based analysis of games to show how they put a load on an SSD, and why are the tools to do so ourselves so hard to find/use?
Any thoughts on the complaints of poor QC on the 1440p Gsync 144hz displays? And they say DVID is dead…
Would you guys be interested in a blind/double blind test for the Pcper crew to see just how high of a refreshrate they can notice?
Are there any newish trends in the case or motherboard industries nowadays that you find interesting/and improvement?
My understanding is with Vdroop, if a load starts the voltage briefly hits very low levels, goes up to reach a stable(ish) voltage under load which is below what is set in UEFI, and spikes upwards after the load is completed, only to come back down once the VRMs switch enough to get it back down to normal levels. So LLC is here to reduce the undershoot at the start hopefully without increasing the overshoot at the end of the load too much.
So the question is, if that’s what’s going on, would the purpose of LLC be literally to prevent crashes in the first second a stress is put onto an overclock?
Would you say that case airflow with fans in the case for a custom loop system where the radiators are outside of the case (therefore no real airflow in case) can make a difference? My PCH is kind of warm, but I don’t think its temps matter unless it’s way too high. I think VRMs will are able to switch faster if they’re cooler and be more efficient? Or something? I’m referring to the mainstream platforms (so 4-6 cores, not 18 core systems).
Finally, here’s one that drives me up the wall! People say that Coffee Lake and Skylake X was not a response to Ryzen. To what extent do you think Intel saw Ryzen’s performance coming and was able to change their plans for Coffee Lake and Skylake X? The public knew Ryzen was coming years ago!
Why can’t I get signed back
Why can’t I get signed back in. It has been awhile, like a few years. My id is still recognized but I am not able to get past the question to get my password reset. Can you help with this?
My username is pdcjlw1.
My email is
Was this on the old site? I
Was this on the old site? I think we had to make new accounts when the current design went live, not sure though. Are you sure it was for the main site and not the forums? They are different logins. You don't seem to have a profile page here for example:
You can try emailing Ryan.
I am not able to sign in
I am not able to sign in anymore. It has been a couple of years. I’ve tried to get my password reset, but when the question comes up nothing I respond with is a correct answer. Can you help me get back in?
I heard you guys mention in a
I heard you guys mention in a podcast with David Kanter that node shrinks don’t lower the power usage to move data around anymore, and that power reduction is a result of clever engineering somewhere else. Could you elaborate on that, how are the latest node shrinks affecting power or performance as compared to the older ones?
Hi, can I use 4xOptane 32GB
Hi, can I use 4xOptane 32GB in an X99 board to make a 128GB scratch drive?