PC Perspective Podcast #473 – 10/26/17
Join us for discussion on AMD Q3 Earnings, Forza 7 Performance, Allyn's storage rant, and more!
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Hosts: Allyn Malventano, Jeremy Hellstrom, Ken Addison
Peanut Gallery: Alex Lustenberg
Program length: 1:03:33
Podcast topics of discussion:
Week in Review:
News items of interest:
0:27:25 Allyn’s RAID rant
Hardware/Software Picks of the Week
0:45:55 Allyn: Cinemaps
0:48:46 Jeremy: The best part of the Fall Creators Update
0:51:45 Ken: Good SSDs, with good prices
0:54:05 Alex: For the smartphone haters
PM961/SM951 are going for
PM961/SM951 are going for cheap on ebay.
On an earnings note for AMD,
On an earnings note for AMD, AMD at one time had a stock share value in the low to middle 90 Dollar range on Opteron Server sales mostly as AMD had yet to acquire ATI. So Epyc sales alone in the Server market, if AMD can get back up to around 20%+ server market share, will be enough to move AMD’s stock value back into that range even before the Radeon Pro WX/Radeon Instinct Sales Revenues are added on along with the Epyc CPU sales for the professional revenues generated for Servers/Workstations/HPC/AI markets.
Each Project 47 Petaflop supercomputer in a cabinet consists of 20 Epyc 32 core CPU SKUs/SP3 motherboards with each MB hosting 4 Radeon Instinct MI25 Vega 10 die based GPU SKUs for a total of 80 MI25 SKUs per cabinet. So that’s some Epyc/Radeon Vega 10 die based professional market revenues right there with each project 47 Petaflop cabinet sold.
There will become a time with AMD’s Professional market Epyc/Radeon Pro WX/Instinct sales bringing in such revenues that any consumer market revenue fluctuations will not even register much on AMD’s Revenue RADAR. The secret to AMD’s business success is in its Epyc/Radeon Pro WX/Instinct revenues and less on any consumer sales alone as AMD’s past Opteron/Server Sales have shown. And the overall server market has grown much larger since AMD’s Opteron 20%+ server market share days of Old, so AMD’s stock can be potentially much higher than the low to mid 90 Dollar range with Epyc/Radeon Vega revenues coming online!
AMD’s stock value will rise with each Server/AI market Epyc CPU and Radeon Pro WX/Instinct GPU percentage increase in the Server/Workstation/HPC/AI market share. And that’s what will float AMD’s business boat.
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“Ryan, get
Thumbnail caption
“Ryan, get over here now, we need to have a talk about your farting problem”