3DMark, Unigine Heaven
Let's look at a set of tests from more standard benchmarks like Unigine Heaven and 3DMark.
I consider these tests to be somewhat of a "best case" for all the cards in our comparison. We aren't using our frame capture system, we aren't measuring frame latency, nothing like that; I think this should give you an idea of graphics performance if each vendor had the best result for each game.
Our 3DMark testing puts the GTX 1070 Ti just slightly ahead of the Radeon RX Vega 56 from AMD, and closer to the performance of the GTX 1080 than the GTX 1070. Obviously the NVIDIA to NVIDIA scaling seems reasonable, but as we saw in our gaming tests on the previous page, the GTX 1070 Ti is able to compete much more handily with the RX Vega 64 than AMD would like.
In Unigine Heave, the GTX 1070 Ti is only 1-2% slower than the GTX 1080!
Performance looks great, at a
Performance looks great, at a great price. nVidia saw an opportunity and brought the heat to AMD’s door, with a ‘refresh’ none-the-less.
And in Canadia, VEGA 56 continues to retail for $750 (VEGA 64 for $950), while GTX 1070Ti can be had for $650. Even the recent “pitty us” price cuts won’t save VEGA. Lack of AIB cards are not helping. What’s is going on over there AMD. For god sakes, apply some logic to your thinking.
Shootin’ from the hip in another great review Ryan. Nice work!
Weird assessment there. Vega
Weird assessment there. Vega 56 selling at $750 has little-to-nothing to do with AMD’s pricing and simply signifies crypto-currency demand – they’re selling every one they make. Not exactly a “poor me” situation.
I heartedly believe that if
I heartedly believe that if AMD were selling every single card they build, without being able to keep stock due to demand, then there is absolutely no reason for AMD to provide a price cut on the VEGA line. Especially when they are confident their GPU can continue to ride the crypto-currency wave.
Looking forward to seeing how pricing develops in the coming months. As someone that uses their GPU for gaming, I’m patiently awaiting MSRP pricing to return.
So the question is,
1. Is AMD cutting price because they know crypto miners are now going to gravitate towards the 1070Ti, or;
2. Are they now forced to provide a competitive price on the VEGA line for the gaming community due to the 1070Ti?
Further, the ‘poor us’ statement was relative to AMD no longer being able to price gouge their product line now that competition came to town.
As a Canadian shopper the
As a Canadian shopper the best value is a 1080Ti. I just bought one because it’s the only video card that regularly sells below MSRP. I’ve seen them as low as $780 with blower cooler. I got a triple fan 1080ti for $860 with Shadow of War which I was going to buy anyway.
That’s pretty impressive,
That's pretty impressive, where did you score that one from?
So the real conclusion is
So the real conclusion is don’t buy a 1080, buy a 1070Ti and overclock it–if you can buy it at or close to MSRP.
While Pc Per is one of my
While Pc Per is one of my favorite sites….. the fps charts of different games is terrible. A bunch of squiggly lines running together and you have to try and figure out what’s what. At least they got it right on 3DMark and Unigine Heaven part of the review. Am I the only one who feels that way?
If you have trouble wrapping
If you have trouble wrapping your mind around the Frame Rating graphs you can try two things:
1. Re-read the page on testing methodology as a refresh.
2. Read the tables at the bottom of each page that indicate percent differences between the competitors.
I agree with the other
I agree with the other posters, I don’t even look at the stupid graph data for FPS info. I quickly scroll down to your % stats vs. The graph is NOT easy to decipher. Also, you should include some other games, your choices are all older Nvidia favoring games, makes you look like a paid NV shill.
Also some overclocked stats,
Also some overclocked stats, because who doesn’t overclock their gpu at least a little.
I agree with you 100% Ryan
I agree with you 100% Ryan please try to mix in a little bit more of a lamens quick chart like a Guru3d does with your usual Frametime charts ect.
All of this just underscores
All of this just underscores how poorly AMD is doing in this segment. The decision for full steam ahead on HBM and HBM2 in their consumer product lines has nearly killed them. Nvidia was wise to back away. No doubt NVidia is just sitting on piles and piles of differently binned chips, just waiting to unleash them. We haven’t even seen a cut down GP102, which we likely would have seen if VEGA64 had been up to snuff and soundly beaten the 1080.
If not for the renewed cryptocurrency mining craze, AMD might be close to shuttering or selling their GPU business.
I want more DX12/Vulkan
I want more DX12/Vulkan titles tested and the GTX 1070Ti is more of a 1080 lite with Nvidia having lots of binned dies that did not have a full GTX 1080’s complement of working shaders and where not able to be made into actual 1080s. So Nvidia now has a GTX 1080Ti made from those not quite 1080 grade dies that has most of the 1080s performance save a few percent. Nvidia is making more than it would have made on the 1070 so the 1070ti will take most of the sales away from the 1070 and a little less sales from the 1080/AIB business because. And it’s more about the AIB business for Nvidia this late in the Pascal Micro-arch based game.
And comments like this make me LOL:
“If not for the renewed cryptocurrency mining craze, AMD might be close to shuttering or selling their GPU business.”
Do you really think that AMD created The Vega 10 GPU micro-arch for the consumer market ONLY any more than AMD created the Zeppelin server die(Binned down into the Summit Ridge die/platform for Ryzen/Threadripper) for the consumer market ONLY. AMD will git rid of its consumer gaming business before it would ever spin off RTG, as those Vega 10 dies are more valuable for AMD in the professional GPU market outside of the consumer market that really can not afford pay a proper markup for GPUs.
AMD has its APUs also paired with it’s x86 Zen CPU micro-arch and that market will probably produce more revenues via integrated graphics revenues than AMD is currently getting from diecrete gaming GPU sales, crypto-mining not included.
AMD’s future is riding on Epyc professinal CPU SKUs, Radeon Pro WX 9100s(based on the Vega 10 die) and the Redeon Instinct MI25s(Based on the Vega 10 die) professional GPU SKUs. And AMD’s consumer sales market dependency is currently why AMD’s stock price is so volatile and has been so low for so many years. AMD is executing it’s plan to get far away from any consumer/gaming market ONLY dependency in the future for the majority of its revenues. And strangely enough so is Nvidia with its plans to not be dependent on any consumer markets where the revenues and margins do not really pay the bills.
So AMD can still sell Vega 10 based die GPUs to some coin miners(Polaris die based GPUs also), and some Ryzen/Threadripper SKUs also to the consumer market. But the real future cash cow for AMD is the Epyc and Radeon Pro WX 9100/Lower WX variants and the Radeon Instinct MI25/Lower Instinct variants that get the much higher margin markups that make AMD some profits also.
AMD could very well survive selling its GPUs to the pro markets only but AMD will continue to sell to the consumer markets, ditto for Nvidia. As the consumer markets represent the market where the underperforming Nvidia/AMD GPU dies, that do not make professional grade, can be binned and sold to recoupe some expenses and maybe turn a lttle profit. And the revenues that go along with any sales help pay some business operating expenses also.
For sure both Nvidia and AMD need those consumer revenues but both Nvidia and AMD are looking to the real market that can make the higher revenus. And even Nvidia’s non consumer market GPU/Accelerator(Compute/AI) and automotive revenues are about to surpass its consumer GPU revenuse as the major source of Nvidia’s revenues and AMD’s Epyc sales alone, not including its professional GPU accelerator sales, will be AMD’s major revenue producer with AMD consumer CPUs sales there to a much lesser degree.
AMD’s stock price volatility will dissappear once thoes Epyc sales, and professonal GPU sales revenues, surpass by a wide margin any of AMD’s combined consumer console and gaming revenues. And that consumer revenue ONLY dependency is going to be history soon enough for AMD. AMD will never spin off RTG as AMD’s APU and Professional market GPU revenues are going to become better revenue producesr than any discrete GPU ganming revenues will provide. That AI market is a big new potential revenue producer for the entire professional computing market so that AI market represents as many billions of dollars in sales as the regular server market, and that’s a large market itself.
You wasted a lot of time
You wasted a lot of time writing this assumption that no one will read
Don’t be sad cause you did.
Don’t be sad cause you did. This is the future.
Ryan is there any word and
Ryan is there any word and time frame on AIB Vega cards ? I purchased 2 Zotac Mini 1070’s for mining and would like to snag some Vega 56’s as well I swear in 5 years we are going to all look back at how horrible of a launch this was for AMD. no wonder Raja is MIA. He needs to bring his ass back to work and make sure his real baby NAVI is better than this Vega BS.
Is GDDR5 10 cents a gig yet?
Is GDDR5 10 cents a gig yet?
This is a great card I also
This is a great card I also saw this article on it and it was amazing. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 is a powerful and affordable equipment for gaming.
Seroiusly, you sign up and
Seroiusly, you sign up and immediately start posting links to other sites' reviews?