AMD will once again benefit from the launch of a new console, the Xbox One X is powered by eight Jaguar cores running at 2.3 GHz and 40 custom AMD CUs which run at 1172 MHz which will provide six teraflops of processing power. Ars Technica took the new console for a spin and were quite impressed, in theory. The XbOX does offer proper 4k HDR video output, assuming you have the TV for it, however most of the available games do not offer both so you might be somewhat disappointed with a title such as Halo3. On the other hand, all games do look better on the X1X and perform quite well. Drop by for a large number of screenshots comparing the Xbone to the XbxX and details on which games benefit the most from the new device.
"When it comes to hard numbers, the Xbox One X definitely merits Microsoft’s marketing hype as “the most powerful console ever.” Microsoft has pulled out the stops in squeezing stronger components into the same basic architecture of the four-year-old Xbox One."
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Also has UHD bluray player
Also has UHD bluray player unlike pro stupid move by sony
The hardware person in me
The hardware person in me would agree, but I think Sony I will have much more sales at $100 less.
Guess we will need to wait for the Ps4Pro ULTRA version for the UHD drive.
Except that the UHD drive
Except that the UHD drive doesn’t seem to be a significant cost, e.g. the Xbox One S which also has one is cheaper than the PS4 Slim without one.