With both AMD and Intel scheduled to release new chips in a few weeks it looks like it will be a busy April for reviewers. Motherboard manufacturers are hoping the retail market will also be a busy as they have all seen slower sales this quarter than they achieved a year ago. Indeed total global motherboard shipments slipped 15% in 2017, a noticeable slowdown. Intel will be refreshing Coffee Lake and adding several new chipsets while AMD will be introducing Ryzen 2000 as well as two new chipsets.
From the looks of the names, which are listed at DigiTimes, the naming conventions for the two competing companies will remain annoyingly similar.
"Asustek Computer, ASRock, Gigabyte Technology and Micro-Star International (MSI) have all begun making deployments, hoping their motherboard shipments in the second quarter can at least remain at levels similar to those a year ago, according market watchers."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- CUDA is Like Owning a Supercomputer @ Hack a Day
- Microsoft Says Windows 10 Spring Creators Update Will Install in 30 Minutes @ Slashdot
- Blackberry enlists those tired of life to promote its phones in exchange for swag @ The Inquirer
- CTS who? AMD brushes off chipset security bugs with firmware patches @ The Register
- How To Detect + Fix Sitemap Problems In Google Search Console @ TechARP
- NETGEAR Nighthawk XR500 Wireless Gaming Router @ Kitguru
- Nitro Concepts Series S300 Gaming Chair @ TechPowerUp
I personally like the naming
I personally like the naming convention. The number 3-5-7 are maybe dumb but i like how you can tell easily well..7 is larger than 3 so it has to be better. And that AMD went with that. It makes it sooo much easier for me to explain it to my family/friends when they have to buy something.
The objection is probably
The objection is probably more to the similarity between AMD and Intel’s product numbers. Chipsets in particular. Do you want AMD’s B300 series boards or Intel’s upcoming B300 series boards? AMD could have picked something less likely to get confused with the competition but didn’t.
… “Do you want AMD’s B300
… “Do you want AMD’s B300 series boards or Intel’s upcoming B300 series boards?”
Urghh…. I don’t get your logic? AMD’s B300 Series is currently on the market. Intel UPCOMING B300 Series… How do you suggested AMD changed that? Though, AMD shouldn’t has had name the 300 Series in first placed, but in this case… it’s the opposite!
… “INTEL (AMD) could have picked something less likely to get confused with the competition but didn’t.”
Fixed that for you. 🙂
I thought it too obvious to
I thought it too obvious to need explanation, but since you admit to a failure of understanding:
1) The two product lines will be on sale at the same time quite soon, so it will cause an active problem for people searching for information when the products are both current.
2) The two will forever more and increasingly so become noise for anyone searching for the competitor’s product in online searches. Ten years from now when you need to find a piece of information about AMD’s B350 chipset, you’re going to have to also wade through Intel B350 search results. You can reduce the noise by adding the company name also, but this was all entirely avoidable.
3) Intel had already been using that naming convention. AMD was using A## before their 300 series chipsets and before that used 3-digit series numbers without a prefix. The last one was their 900 series. With Ryzen’s launch they decided they’d use the same naming convention as Intel and also begin 1 series ahead of Intel in terms of numbering.
Your points are fallacious.
“Ten years from now when you
“Ten years from now when you need to find a piece of information about AMD’s B350 chipset, you’re going to have to also wade through Intel B350 search results. You can reduce the noise by adding the company name also, but this was all entirely avoidable.”
And Google’s AI will Ignore that company name and still push out those excessive and unrelated page hits. Google gets paid to rank up page hits where those pages are generating Google the most revenues from the most useless of webpages(loads of useless WebClapTraps) out there.
Google’s AI is Stright Up EVIL, and the biggest Time Thief on the planet today for folks looking to do research. The signal to noise ratio on Google’s AI has made effective researching an untenable effort of individually searching in an inefficient serial manner thorough such vast amounts on trash search hits as to make that old fashon card catalog searching a more efficient process. At least the card catalogs of old where categorised by Subject, Title, Author, other headings and under classification systems like Dewey decimal system or library of congress.
Google’s search AI algorithmes are going to push us back to the Stone Age process of searching for a needle in a haystack, such an utter gamed mess has Google Search Become because of that Damned Search AI.
It’s the price of memory
It’s the price of memory that’s killing the PC market. Well, to a secondary extent it’s GPU prices and availability.
Do Not Forget to add that GPP
Do Not Forget to add that GPP Dark Arts to the list of what’s killing the PC market, in the gaming part of that PC market.
That GPP Dark Arts is going to affect GPU prices in a not so fair market way even if mining demand for GPUs goes down to negligible amounts.
It’s The Instigator of the GPP Dark Arts whose name that must not be spoken.
[CEO Voltamort is so very drunk on that unicorn blood]
It’s the scummy behavior of
It’s the scummy behavior of mobo makers that are putting off purchases – In India, it makes 0 sense to spend on Overclocked boards because you pay a premium for overclocking. Prices are ridiculous and I’ve just put off purchasing because it’s unfair.
A Coffee Lake refresh?Coffee
A Coffee Lake refresh?Coffee Lake is itself the 2nd refresh of the 14nm process.
I want decent passively cooled computers damnit!
“Asustek Computer, ASRock,
“Asustek Computer, ASRock, Gigabyte Technology and Micro-Star International (MSI) have all begun making deployments, hoping their motherboard shipments in the second quarter can at least remain at levels similar to those a year ago, according market watchers.”
And since only one of them is not in GPP, the choice for my next motherboard is going to be drastically easier !
Maybe both AMD and Intel
Maybe both AMD and Intel should require no GPP restricted branded GPU SKUs will be whitelisted to work on their respective Motherboards and let Nvidia feel some of the heat.
That will get them all in court to work matters out under some Judicial Review of the whole GPP indipendent third party AIB/PC/Laptop OEM Gaming Branding Land Grab that Nvidia has going on.
We can call it Indipendent Third Party AIB/PC/laptop OEM Gaming Branding Neutrality and any company trying to take over the indipendent third party OEM’s Long Standing AND NEUTRAL Gaming Branding in an unfair manner will not have those GPU SKUs whitelisted to work on any makers Motherboards whose chipsets are Supplied by AMD and Intel respectively.
Motherboard Makers who want to make Motherboards using AMD’s or Intel’s chipsets will have to support Indipendent Third Party AIB/PC/laptop OEM Gaming Branding Neutrality or not be able to get the necessary chipset support for any GPU SKU’s that have their gaming branding tied to that GPP that forces the Indipendent Third Party AIB/PC/laptop OEMs to give over their long established gaming branding to Nvidia’s nefarious control to the exclusion of AMD/Others!
We demand Indipendent Third Party AIB/PC/laptop OEM Gaming Branding Neutrality! AMD has the rights to have its GPUs sold under that Indipendent Third Party AIB/PC/laptop OEM Gaming Branding as AMD has been able to do FOR YEARS/From the beginning of those Brands up until Nvidia started that whole illegal Indipendent Third Party AIB/PC/laptop OEM Gaming Branding Land Grab in the name of GPP.
GPP, a name that will live in Infamy!