ASUS / Republic of Gamers (ROG) is branching out into new markets with this year’s Computex. The company’s typical portfolio included things like video cards, motherboards, monitors, laptops, desktops, mice, and keyboards, which left some other markets seemingly unserved, such as internal coolers.
We now have a couple of water coolers from the device, and ASUS is trying something a little different with the Ryujin model: air cooling…?
The ROG Ryujin comes in 240mm and 360mm variants. ASUS, who knows a lot about motherboards, designed the pump housing (the block that attached to the CPU) to push a bit of air around it (cooling the VRMs, etc.). This is done with a single, 60mm fan. How loud this fan is will determine who might be interested in this cooler. If it’s quiet, it would be a cute addition for those interesting in water cooled PCs as silent powerhouses. If it’s not quiet, however, then it would be kind-of limited to those who use water coolers strictly to remove as much heat as possible.
So there’s two possible stories with this: It would be interesting if they intentionally made a water cooler less silent. It would also be interesting if they addressed a limitation with water coolers without affecting ambient noise. I have no idea which of the two possibilities is true. We’ll need to see reviews when it launches.
Moving on… the Ryujin’s radiator uses big fans from Noctua to ultimately remove the heat from the system. This should mean that it will remove a lot of heat silently – again, if the pump housing isn’t noisy. They don’t say what CPUs it will work on, but they mention “newer CPUs with even-higher core counts” so here’s hoping we can put these on a ThreadRipper.
The other product is the ROG Ryuo, which comes in 240mm and 120mm variants. This is a smaller heatsink that is like other factory-sealed all-in-one coolers. ASUS ROG designed fan blades for their graphics cards, and they make an appearance here too. ASUS claims that their design optimizes airflow versus noise.
These components will arrive in the second half of this year, which is really any time after July. Pricing is not yet available.
omg black noctua fans
omg black noctua fans
Yes! Fans where they do not
Yes! Fans where they do not use actual feces to obtain that color scheme that’s on their usual SKUs.
Unless you have been living
Unless you have been living under a rock, noctua have had their new chromax line fans for over half a year now, theyre full black and has the same specs as the beige ones.
now wait till all the tech
now wait till all the tech youtubers pronounce it rye-U-jean
You know. I’d buy more ROG
You know. I’d buy more ROG motherboards if ROG came out with a AIO Monoblock to cool VRM with water. Win Win, they get my money for Mobo and AIO.
If it’s not quiet, however,
In which case it will sell abysmally since AIO coolers aren’t actually that great at… y’know, cooling.