According to the market research firm, SuperData, Fortnite brought in $296 million USD across all platforms (which currently means PC, console, and iOS) for the month of April. Just April. If you add March and April together, then it would be over half of a billion dollars.
If it’s not clear why Epic’s other game, Paragon, was shut down with full refunds…
This news comes a few days after Epic Games announced that it earmarked $100 million for Fortnite eSports competitions. The prize pool will be spread out over multiple events in the 2018-2019 season. I… I think I know where they got the money from. It still seems to be on the rise, too.
And yet, it’s still only 5th place on the PC ranking list, with League of Legends still at the top.
It’s on the PS4 too.
It’s on the PS4 too.
That’s why they included
That’s why they included “consoles “.
I can understand Neils
I can understand Neils comment. Who wouldn’t think about rendering the game in a console window as real-time ASCII art when reading “console”? I mean, i did… 😉