If you didn't pick up BF1 when it was released or during a sale, or you still lack some or all of the DLC then you should consider picking it up this week.   The DLC, as in all of them, are currently free over on Origin and the base game is selling for $5 US.  You could pick up the the Premier Edition for about $12 US if you are one of those who like to support the existence of loot boxes; which are supposedly not in the new Battlefield.

While you are there you can also grab the entire list of DLC for BF4 for free as well, though the base game will set you back $20 if you do not have it.  Visit Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN for direct links or just head to Origin.

"Battlefield 5‘s open beta is over, but the battle for objective points is eternal. As promised last week, EA have made the DLC Premium Pass for Battlefield 1 free today and for the next week."

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