Sony is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its original PlayStation game console with the launch of the PlayStation Classic – a miniature and modernized version that is 45% smaller, offers HDMI output, and comes pre-loaded with 20 classic PlayStation games. The new console maintains the classic boxy gray look at the original including the CD cover, large power and eject buttons, and memory card slots, but the bespoke controller ports have been swapped out for USB connections and around back the RCA jacks (or AV out on newer revisions) have been replaced with a HDMI output. The retro console uses USB for power though an AC adapter is not included (any 5V1A charger will do). The miniaturized PlayStation Classic does still have the door covering the Parallel port but Sony did not mention if the port itself is still there or not (I would guess not and that it’s just there for nostalgia but I suppose it’s possible it’s under there). Sony’s PlayStation Classic will cost $99.99 and will be available on December 3rd 2018. The box will include the console, two classic PlayStation controllers (remakes of the original game pads that lack the DualShock’s dual analog sticks), a HDMI cable, and a USB cable.
The PlayStation Classic features 20 pre-loaded games along with a virtual memory card. Users can use the CD eject button to switch between games and use the virtual memory card to save games. Sony has not yet released the full list of launch games, but it did tease the following five games:
- Final Fantasy VII
- Tekken 3
- Wild Arms
- Ridge Racer Type 4
- Jumping Flash!
I would love to see games from the Metal Gear, Syphon Filter, Spyro, Gran Turismo, Red Faction, and Twisted Metal series make the list of included games though the lack of analog sticks might make some of those games harder to play. I am curious if Sony will allow future games to be added or if they will end up doing additional versions of the PlayStation Classic. Youtuber RGT 85 further speculates that Sony may include Gran Turismo 2 and the original Resident Evil (I am skeptical on GT2 if only because if it was planned I think they would have led with that in the announcement, but maybe they are still working on it).
Interestingly, while the PlayStation Classic is 45% smaller than the original PlayStation, the PSone (which is the console I had) is a smidge over 51% smaller. If you can’t wait until December or just want to get the full experience on the original hardware, the PSone may be a good option as you can find them on the cheap used and they do not take up much space while the white plastic allegedly does not yellow as much as the older gray consoles. You can also play more than the 20 built-in games on the PlayStation Classic. Alternatively, many of the older games can be downloaded and played on the PSP or PS3 and the disc PS1 games can be played on the PlayStation 2 and 3 consoles (with some exceptions). On the other hand, getting HDMI out on the older consoles, while possible, can be a pain to get the best image quality so the PlayStation Classic may be worth it just for the convenience factor especially if you only need a short trip down memory lane and don’t want to jump down the retro gaming collection rabbit hole (hehe).
Do you still have your original PlayStation and games? What do you think about the PlayStation Classic? What PS1 games did you play the most on the original console?
Should just make this a PSOne
Should just make this a PSOne mini with a real disc player. I have all my PS1 discs still and would play this if it had one. Make it PSN connected and sell roms and its a done sale. Seems like that could be done for less than $100 with today’s tech….
Heh yeah ever since seeing
Heh yeah ever since seeing the announcement, I've been trying to remember what ever happened to my PSone or at least my PS2 slim (I never had the fat one). Still have my games in the bookshelf but no idea what happened to the console, I may have lost it after moving so many times :-(.
They’re measuring the sizes
They’re measuring the sizes differently. The PS Classic is actually about half the size of the PSOne, never mind the original model.
Pre-ordered and hoping it’s
Pre-ordered and hoping it’s as hackable as the Nintendo offerings 🙂
Red Faction was PS2
Red Faction was PS2
Hmm i was thinking it was PS1
Hmm i was thinking it was PS1 but naybe not. Me and my brother might have played it at someone else's house because I do remember us playing that game a lot (it was the one you could dig through the walls and ground and tunnel to the other base hehe) but we didnt have the PS2 though he eventually got the slim one and i got it frim him when i moved out.
Yea it was ps2. I have a
Yea it was ps2. I have a silly story with that game. Years ago, I rented it, played the shit outa it, then had to return it before finishing. next day off I got it again, and discovered that I was 3-4 mins from the end. finished it, got pissed off as fuck and returned it right away to the blockbuster drop box. few min later it dawned on me, “What the fuck is wrong with me, I coulda replayed it” but it was 2 late
Playstation games can also be
Playstation games can also be downloaded on the PSVita and the PSTV (which outputs video via HDMI (by necessity)); Admittedly a smaller user-base in the US, but they’re valid options, and if one “jailbreaks” them, one can convert and install their PS1 games.
Good point, i totally forgot
Good point, i totally forgot the PSTV was even a thing ;-). The Sony site lists it at $99 as well (no controllers though) so that might be a good option if it can be midded and ganes put on mSD memory cards :-).
Hey hay hay, it’s cheaper
Hey hay hay, it’s cheaper than a RTX-ANYTHING and game play is game play! And Now with Gazillions of Rays per second.*
Hack that $99.99 tat and make it emulate away the hours!
*Rays produced estimated on a single 60 Watt light bulb using a single wavelength of electromagnetic radiation at an estimated 180,000,000,000,000,000,000 photons per second! 60 watt light bulb and lamp not included, Street-Fighter themed Lampshade sold separately!
for those unfamiliar, ePSXe
for those unfamiliar, ePSXe is a pretty decent PlayStation emulator. Setup is a bit of a chore, but once configured you can dump your CD games to ISO files and play away with filtered, anti-aliased graphics.
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