The latest Games Done Quick marathon wrapped up at around 1 o’clock (EST) last night as the reverse boss order run of Super Metroid killed the poor, harmless animals. The runner took the detour to the “Save the Animals” room, opened the door, then fired a few times through it without entering… just to troll. I can appreciate that (despite donating to save the animals — after the other incentives were met, of course).
A few minutes later was the closing ceremony. Organizers thanked the staff, volunteers, and partners, and then added revenue from Twitch subs and bits, $217,226.12 USD, to the donation tracker. This brought the overall total to $2,394,423 USD, which is more than any other Games Done Quick event; the next highest was last year’s AGDQ at $2,295,191 USD. As usual, donations are still being accepted even though the stream has ended. It is currently sitting at $2,397,767.51 USD from 46377 donors, which benefits the Prevent Cancer Foundation.
The next Games Done Quick is Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) 2019, which starts on June 23rd, 2019 in Bloomington, Minnesota. Next year’s Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, despite just moving to Maryland this year, will move again for its 10th anniversary… to Orlando, Florida.
If you don’t want to wait until the summer, then a different organization, the European Speedrunner Assembly (ESA), are holding their Winter 2019 event starting on February 18th.
if there was an “Every Game
if there was an “Every Game Done Agonizingly Slow and Never Finished”, I’d be all up in that sh!t.
This is the first time since
This is the first time since AGDQ started that I didn’t bother to watch, it’s just changed to much since it started.
Out of all that money, how
Out of all that money, how much will really be used properly?
All those charities have insane “operation” costs. Do your homework people, your money will pay someone a business seat…
“….how much will really be
“….how much will really be used properly?”
~ tree fiddy.