Twice each year, Games Done Quick hosts a week-long, 24-hour marathon of games done quick… or blindfolded… or two games done on one controller… etc. The entire event is donation-based, with the money raised going to a specific charity. Typically, the winter event (Awesome Games Done Quick) raises money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation and the summer event (Summer Games Done Quick) benefits Doctors Without Borders.
Awesome Games Done Quick 2019 continues with the Prevent Cancer Foundation. The last two AGDQ events brought in over $2.2 million USD, and the most recent Summer Games Done Quick was just under $2.2 million USD.
The whole schedule is available at their website. One interesting slot should be Friday evening’s TASBot plays mari0, which is Super Mario Bros. 1 with a Portal gun on custom levels. TASBot blocks also sometimes contain innocent-looking segments that are much more entertaining than they let on. For example, one year TASBot played Pokémon Red, although “playing” actually meant overloading the game’s controller input and using that memory access to install a Twitch chat client. As such, it’s always a good idea to watch the entire TAS block… just in case.
I also want to check out The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 1-Hit K.O. block on Saturday early afternoon. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars was also entertaining in the past, and it’s being run again on Tuesday evening.
The event starts with a one-and-a-half-hour run of Hollow Knight, Sunday (tomorrow) at noon.
Every post above at this time
Every post above at this time is S P A M and it’s Sunday 1/6/2019 and some CES news is dropping, but PCPer must be under some Blue Laws down in Hillbilly Hills because weekend reporting on PCper is lacking.
Some CES news is still under
Some CES news is still under NDA. We're pushing those stories into the site's content manager, which will auto-publish on the embargo date/time.