There are a variety of ways to send targeted audio, which can only be heard when standing in a specific are. Generally this is accomplished by broadcasting sounds at a frequency to high to be perceived by humans, until it encounters specific interference which lowers the frequency into an audible range. This is currently used for targeted advertising, or for driving people nuts if you consider the two separate.
Today The Register posted a new way to provide targeted audio, which uses light instead of high frequency audio to transmit the signal. Previously this was used in medical imaging techniques, this particular application is new. The light interacts with water in the atmosphere to provide audio to a specific location, using what is termed the optoacoustic effect. The moisture in question is insignificant, the humidity in the air and that produced by exhalation is enough for this to be effective. Pop by for more information on this; though there is no confirmation that wearing an RGB headset will enhance or interfere with transmission.
"Water is among a class of materials that can emit sound after they absorb light, and according to a paper in Optics Letters, a correctly tuned laser can be modulated to deliver human-audible sounds this way."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Location Finds Bluetooth, Ultra-Wideband @ Slashdot
- Microsoft cripples Windows Media Player in Windows 7 (&8.x) for no real reason @ The Inquirer
- Intel boss: Expect chip shortages into mid-2019, stumbling server processor sales this year @ The Register
- Samy Kamkar’s LED Balloon Network @ Hackaday
- Linux Mint 19.1: A sneaky popular distro skips upheaval, offers small upgrades @ Ars Technica
- 'Keyless' cars are almost all vulnerable to £10 hacking kits @ The Inquirer
- Video: Putting High Speed PCB Design to the Test @ Hackaday
Under Your “Tech Talk”
Under Your “Tech Talk” subheading come this news:
“•Intel boss: Expect chip shortages into mid-2019, stumbling server processor sales this year @ The Register” [See link above]
Those Chip Shortages will not be as bad for Intel if the global economy keeps cooling off and there are already signs that the cloud providors are maybe ramping down some of their infrastructure expectations/investments.
Maybe by the time Intel gets is CPU supply ducks in order the orders will not be there anyways and most certianly the cloud services providors will not be snapping up any and all the server CPU DIEs that come off of the diffusion lines.
In fact, the cloud services providors are now even more than likely to be looking at the lower cost solutions that AMD’s Epyc/Naples and Epyc/Rome provide if they want a more affordable x86 based solution.
Before the economy started showing signs of weakness the cloud services providers could not keep up with increased demands for increasing CPU/Server capacity but now that the world economy is showing signs on weakness that server capactiy shortage will turn into a server capacity glut what with demand for the cloud providors services slacking off along with the economic growth figures around the world.
As long as the damand for cloud services continued to outstrip the cloud server providors ability to keep up by adding more server capacity they were happy to pay Intel’s markups knowing full well that such an expensive investment could be quickly paid off/amortized. But now the ecomomic expectations are not so rosy and if the cloud services growth demands no longer guarantee a quick amortization of Intel’s higher markups the cloud services providors will really be forced to go more toward looking at the price/performance metrics and the TCO of AMD’s offerings compared to Intel’s offerings.
The cloud services providors can and will cancel any non filled orders and start looking more at who has the lower upfront pricing and the lower longer term TCO. Sure the downturn will probably affect AMD to some degree and who can escape any widespread economic downturn without some pain. But AMD’s lower prices will become even more attractive in a global cloud serverces market where the cloud services providors do not have sufficient business to afford Intel’s higher markups. So in a downturn the lower cost solutions become doubly attractive because the revenues/revenue growth will not there for the cloud services providors to afford Intel’s higher cost offerings.
Any Unused/Idle CPU/Server capactiy sitting on the server farms of any cloud server providors are not paying for themselves so the revenues will not be there to go out and purchase any and all server CPUs no matter the costs. But eventually the parts that have paid for themselves will wear out and need to be replaced and the cloud services folks will be forced to look for the better deals that really favor the TCO figures as well as up front costs of the hardware that costs as little as possible.
Nvidia is feeling the same Cloud Services pain and AMD is relatively not as extended into both the server CPU and GPU markets as Intel and Nvidia. AMD is in the beginnings of it’s longer term growth phase with its Price/Performance metrics and up front cost low. And that translates into a lower TCO for AMD’s offerings also in a weaker economy where the cloud services providers will be forced to become more cost conscious.
AMD is still a lean and low overhead business operation that’s just perfect for surviving rough economic conditions. That Chiplets on an MCM design that AMD started with Zen-1/Zeppelin Epyc/Naples and carried over to an even greater CPU Die/Chiplets space savings on Zen-2 based Epyc/Rome will net AMD even higher Die/Wafer yields for AMD’s server market SKUs. And that will also once again be translated down into AMD’s consumer/HEDT CPU offerings also. That 7nm space saved and small size for the CPU Die/Chiplets will translate into even lower per Die/Chiplet costs for Zen-2 SKUs over the previous generation of AMD’s Zen/Zen+ Branded SKUs.
KISS: Lets assume data center
KISS: Lets assume data center GPU & CPU duopolies are $10Bn each, & amd have 10% & 5% of each respectively.
If those markets are down by 10%, but amd’s market shares have doubled, tripled or more – why should they give a rat’s about a slow market? There are still more buyers for amd products than ever.
It suits intel & nvidia to imply amd will share their pain.
Management can point to a general decline in stock prices as an excuse for their poor performance.
Its BS and the technical press foolishly buy it.