Mercury Systems are well known for providing military grade secure storage, which means a little more than a truck commercial, but is still just FIPS 197 which is also know as AES. Mercury uses AES-256 but both AES-128 and AES-192 can be classified as FIPS 197.
The security of the drive above is not what makes it worth mentioning however, it is the fact it is rated for use in low earth orbit which is interesting. The drive is as Al says, "a bunch of SLC in a poly filled enclosure", with the poly offering the following (PDF link):
- Rad-Tolerant Design (RTG4 Based): Configuration upsets immunity to LET > 103 MeV.cm2/mg
- Single-event latch-up (SEL) immunity to LET > 103 MeV.cm2/mg
- Registers SEU rate <10-12 errors/bit-day (GEO Solar Min)
- Single-event transient (SET) upset rate < 10-8 errors/bit-day (GEO Solar Min)
- Total ionizing dose (TID) > 100 Krad
The 440GB of SLC flash is capable of reading and writing at 1GB/s with a 26 PB write minimum life expectancy. If you are serious about long term resilient storage, and can afford paying governmental rates you could drop them a line to get on the waiting list.
Conversely, the next time you are playing a post apocalyptic RPG, you are now fully able to complain about the crappy storage media the game provides and demand something a little bit better. It won't be quite as easy to hack into as a RobCo terminal but if you can get at the data those logs will load a whole lot faster.
totally off topic and very
totally off topic and very sorry about that
just listened to the full schpeal jim gave on the last podcast for the sponsor, casper
the last thing i need is a mattress, but jim’s copy was so good, he had me wanting one
holy fuck, casper could not pay jim enough for that most excellent schpeal
any sponsor would be lucky to have a spot on the show written by jim