There is a possibility that Jedi: Fallen Order will actually arrive this year, according to EA's Q3 2019 earnings announcement.  This is not the one code-named RagTag which Visceral was working on until they were eviscerated, (or that other one) as it is still looking for a long term relationship with another developer.  We know very little about Fallen Order and EA remained very tight lipped when Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN inquired for more details

EA also confirmed that there will be a new Need For Speed as well as another Plants vs. Zombies, but the future of Titanfall is still a mystery to all. 

"EA chief operating officer Blake Jorgensen muttered in yesterday’s numberblast that they are looking forward to delivering Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in the autumn, “new Plants vs. Zombies and Need for Speed titles”, and supporting Titanfall’s new free-to-play battle royale spin-off Apex Legends …"

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