Downtiration is not a word, but then again what you are about to hear isn't exactly a song either, though is closer to one than many of the insipid honey drenched hits you are likely to hear today. A company by the name of Search Laboratory fed Google's Tenserflow software with 999 love songs and let it assemble the new benchmark for sentimental songbirds. It is also a great example as to the current limitations of AI and Deep Learning, regardless of what the PR flacks would have you believe.
You can thank The Register for the next two irrecoverable minutes of your life.
"The song, entitled 'Downtiration Tender love' was created by media agency Search Laboratory and its "character-based Recurrent Neural Network," that uses Google's open-source machine learning software, TensorFlow loaded up with 999 snippets from the world's greatest love songs."
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I’ve been tall
I’ve been tall
anywho, wonder how many times they had to play that without either one of them cracking up
Well, practiced pop singers
Well, practiced pop singers would have no problem singing it without cracking up. After all, they are pretty much used to vocalizing nonsensical word soup while expertly emoting with their faces. Not sure about the background of the two fellas in the video, though…
I want to see Steve Martin on
I want to see Steve Martin on the banjo with that arrow through head covering this tune.
This tune was just made for that Wild and Crazy Guy!
Also get that other Czechoslovakian guy on the tambourine and make that a duo!
can’t get that song out of my
can’t get that song out of my head
i’ll be singing it for days
sarcasm btw for those that thought otherwise
jeremy, is there a way to change my user name without creating a new account?