Owning a Threadripper is not boring, the new architecture offers a variety of interesting challenges to keep your attention.  One of these features is the lack of direct memory access for two of the dies, which can cause some performance issues and was at least partially addressed by introducing Dynamic Local Mode into Ryzen Master.  On Windows boxes, enabling that feature ensures your hardest working cores have direct memory access, on Linux systems the problem simply doesn't exist.  Another choice is Coreprio, developed by Bitsum, which accomplishes the same task but without the extras included in Ryzen Master. 

Techgage ran a series of benchmarks comparing the differences in performance between the default setting, DLM and Coreprio.

"Performance regression issues in Windows on AMD’s top-end Ryzen Threadripper CPUs haven’t gone unnoticed by those who own them, and six months after launch, the issues remain. Fortunately, there’s a new tool making the rounds that can help smooth out those regressions. We’re taking an initial look."

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