If you haven't seen some of the tweets and animations from Totally Accurate Battle Simulator you are missing out. It is a game in the same vein as Goat Simulator in that is meant to be a ridiculous heap of fun, not something you try to win or even one up other players. Instead you sit and watch a group of Vikings armed with a ship fight it out against archers armed with balloon arrows which will cause their targets to float up off of the ground before popping and dropping them.
You can grab the early access version on Steam in all it's googly eyed greatness right now for around $15, it may go up in price once released. Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN did and posted their experience for your amusement.
"Can a single minotaur destroy a dozen archers who use snakes instead of arrows? It’s Total War meets the childhood-slash-stoner argument of ‘Who Would Win In a Fight Between’."
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