Re-Vive Your Face With Some Ice Cold Water

Source: The Tech Report Re-Vive Your Face With Some Ice Cold Water

The Most Immersive Way To Play Subnautica

Summer has arrived, and with it higher ambient temperatures that push your cooling systems efficiency harder than the winter tends to.  For some this means cranking up the air conditioner, adding enough fans to get a wind tunnel going and in some cases introducing watercooling into the mix.  What most do not consider is watercooling their faces, something sorely neglected until now.

Over at The Tech Report you can see the worlds first watercooled Vive, along with the build process in case you want to do it yourself.  No more sweat pooling in your VR headset with this open ended design, water flowing from a bucket of icy water will not only pad your cheekbones but will keep them nice a frosty.  They did notice it added a small amount of weight to the headset but not enough to distract them nor make them reconsider this upgrade.

Our Colton "drfish" Westrate loves him some Beat Saber, but with summer weather coming up, he warmed up to the concept that his Vive VR headset felt just too darn hot around the eyes. In one of his usual displays of great ingenuity, awesome engineering skills, and the best kind of nerdiness, he set to watercool the thing. Did he succeed? Oh yes, and then some.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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