It’s a Platinum Sterling Strider PSU From SilverStone
SilverStone’s Strider Hits Platinum
The new SilverStone ST1000-PTS is billed as the world’s smallest kilowatt class PSU, which is reasonable considering it’s petite measurements of 150x86x140mm. This presents a bit of a challenge, as SilverStone needs to pack a lot of components into a very small space. The 80 PLUS Platinum efficiency will help a bit, but even with a 120mm fan designed for quiet operation it will be a challenge to provide consistent levels of power and keep the noise levels in line. SilverStone is not new at this sort of thing so it is possible they managed it; find out at The FPS Review.The ST1000-PTS is the second power supply we have seen from SilverStone and it just about could not be more different than the first when it comes to design idea and scope. The first unit we saw was the outstanding Nightjar 600W fanless power supply.