Stuck In Windows S? You Are Not Alone!

Source: The Inquirer Stuck In Windows S?  You Are Not Alone!

Sucks To Be You

If you have recently discovered you a trapped in a world where you can only install or run UWP programs grabbed from the Microsoft Store, you are suffering from the same issue as many others.   It seems that the “Switch out of S Mode” page on the store no longer loads and it is not just supposed to be a quick and easy way to switch from Windows S to a real version of the OS … it is the only way.

Without that page loading, anyone who picked up a low cost machine with the more, ah, secure version of Windows 10 will find themselves Chrome-less.  There aren’t that many popular third UWP apps and as The Inquirer points out, no other browsers but Edge.  To add insult to injury, you may find your organization blocks access to the Microsoft Store altogether, which leads to more complications. 

No fix yet, hopefully that will change soon.

In fact, given that most browsers aren't UWP compliant, thanks to the rather draconian rules Microsoft insists on, there's even a question about whether the glitch represents a breach of competition. After all, Edge works juuuuust fine.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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