Intel May Be Getting Ready To Close Their Gateway

Source: The Inquirer Intel May Be Getting Ready To Close Their Gateway

A Swan Song For The Connectivity Device Division?

Intel has been dropping a few of it’s less productive and profitable divisions, including their mobile phone modem business as well as the New Devices Group; not to be confused with the Blue Man Group.  Today rumours abound that they will also be selling off some of their connectivity groups, which build silicon for large gateway devices through to home routers.  If true, at first glance it looks good for everyone as it lets Intel focus more on the products we truly care about and gives companies like AMD, Qualcomm and whomever picks up the business from Intel a shot at a larger market share.

The Inquirer reports that this division makes Intel about $450m per year, so it is a fair chunk of business for someone to take advantage of it.

However, Intel isn't giving up on working on connectivity-centric semiconductors, as it's partnered up with MediaTek to make 5G modem chips for laptops and PCs.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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