Interview: A Short History of AMD During K6 and K7 Days
Kevin Krewell, an industry analyst and former AMD employee, joins Josh Walrath to discuss their internal and external observations of the release of AMD’s most important processor architecture, which cemented its place in the x86 industry. They also cover the K7 and changes in the industry and company culture.
Vintage hardware discussion is best hardware discussion.
Cool stuff. Do more of these if you can. Vintage or otherwise insightful interviews with people like this are pretty dope.
I love when you can get special guests to discuss different topics.
Can we make this a podcast, and future interviews as well? I usually listen to PCPer as I’m walking to and from work (I have a 20 minute walk between car and desk).
We actually will be recording another one on Monday. A bit different format, but hopefully some good and interesting information.
I just added both interviews to the podcast RSS feed.
Thank you so much. Finished listening to this interview, loved it!