It’s Not Just You, Fireworks Look Awful On Everyone’s Fancy TVs

Source: Slashdot It’s Not Just You, Fireworks Look Awful On Everyone’s Fancy TVs

Torture Test TVs

You may have noticed while watching televised New Years celebrations that the audio and visuals of fireworks seemed less than impressive and as it turns out you are absolutely correct.  According to the sources in this post over at Slashdot even HDR10(+) rated TVs will have a hard time trying to display the true brightness of a colourful explosion against a pure black background in the minuscule amount of time it a firework is at its peak brightness and so you end up with a rather lacklustre experience.  The same goes for your audio, with an instantaneous bang reduced to a loud pop as there is no time nor range to truly capture the audio experience you get from being there live; though a good external sound system can mitigate that problem somewhat.

It seems like if you really want to test the capabilities of an expensive TV before purchasing it then you should get them to load up a fireworks display to see what the display is truly capable of.

So the source footage struggles to accurately represent the brightness and the full colour of a firework. "They're too colourful, they're very bright, and they're very contrasty," explains Yurek. The chemical compounds most commonly used in fireworks emit wavelengths that aren't within the physical possibility of being seen by many TVs.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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