AMD Versus NVIDIA, Battle Of Mid-Weights
$250 To $300 Is The New Mid-Range
Techspot have gathered up the three cards which represent the middle of the pack for AMD and NVIDIA, as well as a two more powerful cards to give some perspective on what spending and extra $150 to $200 will provide. In addition you get a look at the updated GTX 1060 with 6GB of 9Gbps GDDR5 memory, and the effect that has on performance. AMD’s Radeon 5600 XT shows off it’s prowess in a large number of games, though you will sometimes see that the GTX 1070 comes close to matching the performance.
With the performance gap so small, your choice might come down to the drivers which would currently seem to give NVIDIA an edge.
We've also thrown in the RTX 2060 Super and RX 5700 XT for good measure, but the key takeaway for this article is to see what kind of upgrade the Radeon 5600 XT offers over the GTX 1060 when testing a huge range of games.