If You Don’t Run SGX You Can Avoid The Next Intel Mitigations

Source: The Register If You Don’t Run SGX You Can Avoid The Next Intel Mitigations

If You Do Use SGX Then Expect It To Run Slower Soon

It’s time for yet another architectural vulnerability and this time it is Intel’s turn again.  The same researchers that ruined your peace of mind with Meltdown and Spectre have discovered another unique attack which Intel’s Software Guard Extensions are vulnerable to.  As with the AMD vulnerability revealed earlier in the week, the attack is rather complex to carry out and is unlikely to be seen in the wild so Intel will not be releasing a microcode update.  They will however update SGX to protect against this and that mitigation will indeed slow the speed at which the chips will be able to perform.

You can learn more about the Load Value Injection attack, what chips are likely vulnerable and how to deal with it at The Register.

The researchers in their paper make clear the chip maker isn't quite so blasé about the risks where SGX comes into play: "Intel considers LVI particularly severe for SGX…"

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it K7M.com, AMDMB.com, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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