Support For Flash Game Addicts In 2020

Source: Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN Support For Flash Game Addicts In 2020

Not That Addicting Games Or Newgrounds Are Totally Gone

In the long ago days of the internets before the cats took over, bizarre flash games were what everyone was making, playing or talking about.  From the somewhat questionable Slap The Monkey through to ones that probably shouldn’t have been made and definitely not linked to, you could spend hours of enjoyment for free or if you wanted you could quickly write one up for others to play.  The list of available games was longer than the average Steam library nowadays, not that there was a Steam back then.

Now that Flash is on life support, with it’s parent company about to disinherit it and browsers actively blocking it by default, what is an old gamer supposed to do at work?  Rock. Paper, SHOTGUN have tossed their two pence into the pond of sites which offer those needing a Flashback to simpler times in this recent article.  They walk you through how you can set up a Flash emulator* to play your favourites as well as a look at what they feel are the top 10 Flash games going right now.


*Flash emulator!  What has the world come to?

Thankfully there are preservation projects working to keep Flash games playable in their original form. The only question remaining is which you should play. We’ll answer that question, and explain the best ways to play them, below.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.


  1. collie

    Yea, there is a 100% chance I will download a flash emulator at some point after December, some of those old games will be worth playing again one day, but here’s what’s bugging me. EVERY 7 DAYS OR SO CHROME ASKS ME TO DISABLE FLASH!!!!!

    How many fucking times do you need to say “Not Now” for them to fucking leave you alone. YES CHROME I know it’s going to be unsuported by december 2020, NO CHROME, I do not want to disable it THAT’S WHY I ACTIVLEY ENABLED IT. It’s not like it’s the kinda thing that you can do by accident. Just let me play “You Have To Cut The Rope” in peace.

    • collie

      OOOOOOO and then there’s everything from Minoto, life without those weird as fuck “Escape” games with the bloops that can wake a deaf man out of a coma. Seriously sad if those were permanently lost to time.


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