Agility Prime, The USAF’s New Flying Car

Source: The Register Agility Prime, The USAF’s New Flying Car

We Were Promised Flying Cars

The USAF showed off a one person flying vehicle called the Agility Prime, which looks more like a flock of quadrocopters than a flying car, but certainly does fly you from one place to another.  It is a heavily modified version of the version of a Lift Hexa copter, which carries far less weight than an adult but is designed specifically as a heavy lifting drone.  

The Agility Prime uses 18 electric motors to be able to carry a passenger, capable of taking off and landing vertically and inside a much smaller footprint than a helicopter.   They showed it off in a live demonstration earlier this week, successfully demonstrating it’s capabilities.   As you can see below it leaves the occupant open to the elements, which will limit how high it can go as well as the theatres it can operate in.  It also doesn’t seem particularly fit for combat duty.

The USAF has heard from 15 different aeronautics companies which are interested in the Agility Prime, which might give it a leg up on the dozens of other flying cars in development or abandoned over the past couple of decades.  Sneak over to The Register to see a bit more about it.

The latest build is single-person aircraft – specifically, a version of the Lift Hexa copter, which uses 18 electric motors that allow it to take off and land vertically. The vehicle was put through its paces last Friday at the Texas State Guard's Camp Mabry base.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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