Fight Crab With Frog Fractions Four

Source: Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN Fight Crab With Frog Fractions Four

Just This Once You Should Buy The Hat

If you have never heard of Frog Fractions, you should definitely grab this educational software from Steam for free.  If you have absolutely no idea what Frog Fractions is about, you’ve obviously played it.  If you want more of the same you should pick up the hat DLC, for hidden within that stylish headgear is Frog Fractions 4, or 2 depending on how you count.  Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN leans towards the fourth instalment, with the ARG/Kickstarter counting as Frog Fractions 2 and the bizarre little Easter egg in Glittermitten Grove being Frog Fractions 3.   Pop on over for a spoiler free look at what donning the hat will do to your odd amphibian.

If that was not enough high weirdness for you, Fight Crab is officially out on Steam and you can battle lobsters, coconut crabs and a variety of other crusty ocean dwellers with swords, maces, guns and just about anything else you can get your pincers on.  The full release improves multiplayer, expands ‘skill’ trees and even lets you make a friend to bring with you to battles.  The games design is even more off the top than you might think, which did overwhelm the brave soul from RPS that played through the game; so frequent breaks are a good idea unless you like the discombobulation.

If you are a looking for something a little more mundane, Steam is having a Bethesda sale as is Good Old Games.

Lo and behold, put on the hat, and Frog Fractions: GOTD spirals off into entirely new numerals. I won’t spoil, it, obvs, but if you’ve ever had a hungover flatmate run you through Twinbeard’s bug-blaster in the small hours of the morning you’ll know the gist of what to expect.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.


  1. willmore

    I think I know less about this game after reading this article than I did before and I didn’t know anything then. Is this some kind of educational software or something?

    • Jeremy Hellstrom

      You will know even less after playing it. It is free, try it and see if your brain survives.

    • collie man

      It’s a cult game. Just play it, it’s free. And it’s 100% edumakational

      • collie man

        that should be “Cult Classic” …… kinda different


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