Video Review: EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 XC3 GAMING

Manufacturer: EVGA Video Review: EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 XC3 GAMING

Join Josh Walrath On A Journey Of Exploration

In this JoshTEKK production, the one and only Josh Walrath (of Burger of the Week fame) walks you through his experiences with the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 XC3 GAMING graphics card. What makes this review different? For one thing, it’s a video. And for another thing Josh purchased the card himself, WITH HIS OWN MONEY. That’s just… well, frankly it seems impossible right now given the current stock situation.

The video is embedded below. Get ready to feel your entire body relax as you hear the dulcet tones of Josh’s rich baritone voice. But stay awake so that you can enjoy the occasional visual aid! Wow, with this much entertainment value I can’t believe we aren’t charging anything for it! (But you still have to look at YouTube ads, so there’s that.)

Did Josh like the card? How did it perform? You’re just going to have to watch the video to find out! (And at a TIGHT 30 minutes, it will be just like watching the podcast – minus people constantly talking over each other. Mostly.)

The card Josh reviewed (not an affiliate link, and it’s probably out of stock anyhow) is the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 XC3 GAMING. It retails for $749.99, which represents a $50 premium over the theoretical $699 base price of an RTX 3080.

Review Disclosures

This disclosure statement covers the way the product being reviewed was obtained and the relationship between the product's manufacturer and PC Perspective.

How Product Was Obtained

The graphics card was purchased by Josh for the purpose of this review.

What Happens To Product After Review

The graphics card remains the property of Josh, because he bought it.

Company Involvement

EVGA had no control over the content of the review and was not consulted prior to publication.

PC Perspective Compensation

Neither PC Perspective nor any of its staff were paid or compensated in any way by EVGA for this review.

Advertising Disclosure

EVGA has not purchased advertising at PC Perspective during the past twelve months.

Affiliate Links

If this article contains affiliate links to online retailers, PC Perspective may receive compensation for purchases made through those links.

Video News

About The Author

Sebastian Peak

Editor-in-Chief at PC Perspective. Writer of computer stuff, vintage PC nerd, and full-time dad. Still in search of the perfect smartphone. In his nonexistent spare time Sebastian's hobbies include hi-fi audio, guitars, and road bikes. Currently investigating time travel.

1 Comment

  1. BigTed

    Enjoyed the vid. Talking over each other doubles, or sometimes triples, the quantity of quality information per minute. Or something.


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