Everything PS3 On Your PC With RPCS3

Source: Slashdot Everything PS3 On Your PC With RPCS3

The Ultimate PS3 Emulator

If you have a hankering to play some old PlayStation 3 games, then RPCS3 is something you should take a peek at.  While there are a total of over 6000 games on the platform, not 100% of them launch but 100% of them do at least something.  Of the games available, there is an impressive 3233 of them which work perfectly on the emulator which should keep you busy for at least a few hours.

RPCS3 is open source and will run on just about any PC, but you have to supply your own games.  Though thousands are playable, RPCS3 does not provide the actual games; that is on you to have handy.  If you are stuck unable to purchase a modern GPU to play the latest games on, why not take a look for a box of old PS3 games and wander down memory lane?

There have been over 6,000 games and programs tracked over the emulator's lifespan, so to get every single one of them to some degree of booting up is an incredible achievement. It's important to note, though, that of the emulator's five tiers of playability, only one -- "Playable" -- is worth your time.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it K7M.com, AMDMB.com, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.


  1. Josh Russell

    Um, I played Motorstorm: Pacific Rift entirely all the way through with only extremely small issues. According to the Mouseover description, “Ingame” is supposed to mean can’t be completed (which surprises me a little), but the status of that game’s info and supposed compatibility hasn’t been changed since 2018. It’s certainly had improvements since then – anything major is mostly gone – as long as you aren’t attempting to patch-modify it which still causes more issues.

  2. Josh Russell

    Also, “Any PC” actually means definitely 6 cores or more (and decent VRAM) for most of the big games, so…

    • Techy420

      Vram doesn’t really matter much at all because PS3 emulator is dependent on CPU. Even if gpu did matter, it would be core frequency/memory bandwidth that matters, not the amount of vram. 360 emulator is dependent on GPU.

      • Techy420

        I would also like to point out, amount of cores hardly matter, regardless of what people say, ps3 emulator really doesn’t use that many cores & single core frequency matters more. 4 core 8 thread with higher clock speeds are going to out perform 6 core 12 thread with lower clock speeds.

  3. Daniel Babins

    Collie 5 mins ago: AWESOME, TIME FO SOME RDR UNDEAD NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Collie now: Awwwww, bootable but not playable….. sigh

    • Techy420

      Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare are 100% playable. That database is no longer updated & has not been updated in a very long time.

  4. Gamer

    Rpcs3 supports 3233 games total, 63% of the 3233 games are playable, and most don’t run perfect, playable means the game can be completed.

    If you are going to write an article, at least do 30 seconds of research and visit the compatibility page on the Rpcs3 website.

    • Jeremy Hellstrom

      If you are going to write a correction to an article, at least do 30 seconds of reading and visit the post to see if I wrote the exact information you claim is lacking in said article.


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