Accessorize Your Desk And Get Comfy

Source: Ars Technica Accessorize Your Desk And Get Comfy

Upgrade Your Work At Home Experience Or Just Game More Comfortably

Have you settled in properly to your work at home space, or are you still just making do with what you had at hand?  Whether you are planning on a full time return or moving to a more flexible working life it is getting close to the time you might be able to convince loved ones to help you upgrade your space, and possibly a renewal of budget from your employer for upgrading your desk accessories at home.

Ars Technica has almost two dozen suggestions for ways to improve your space, from inexpensive but effective additions such as the $16 Gimars Wrist Rest to more expensive but useful accessories like the Belkin 3-in-1 MagSafe charging stand at $150.  If you are still trying to find a way to elevate your feet while you work, and haven’t resorted to a recliner, they offer three different foot rests to chose from.

There are a number of standard desk organizers, monitor stands and even an adjustable laptop stand on an arm to browse through which will help you make a bit of space for their most unique suggestion.  The Mighty Mug uses “Smartgrip” technology to let you have a drink on your desk without any worry of spillage.  It has a suction cup on the bottom designed to only release when the mug is pulled straight up and to cling to the desk if it is knocked or lifted on an angle.  It won’t hold up to a major knock or punch; thankfully the lid is pretty much spill proof as well.

Since the pandemic—and after a spate of injuries from poor posture, bad habits, and a general lack of body awareness—the importance of a comfortable workspace has become clear. At times, painfully so.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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