Podcast #661 – Nvidia RTX 3050 Launch, DDR5 8888, ARM acquisition update, More Malware, Win 11 Task Manager, Steam Deck Shipping + MORE!
Another entry level GPU you cannot buy? Sure! Also looks like Nvidia probably will NOT be buying ARM to the great relief of … many? DDR5 world record overclocking, Microsoft messes with Windows 11 task manager and breaks it. More fun malware! We should turn that into a regular segment probably. The chip shortage is made worse by an earthquake, but not to worry, a smarty guy is making chips in his garage with a $1000 electron microscope. And more! See the topics below.
Please also take a look at our show sponsor this week if you like to save time and keep your staff up to date and accurate. TextExpander! Get 20% off your first year with our link, enjoy!
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