Podcast #663 – ARMless Nvidia, RISC-V & Intel, Record AMD Marketshare, be quiet! 850w PSU, Retro Storage + MORE
AMD Sets all time market share, Nvidia is not getting ARM’d, Intel making big investment in RISC-V, more Malware! Sound Blaster X4, “Random” things, Be Quiet! Pure Power 11 discussion and some retro storage discussions. There’s the external Sound Blaster 4, Cisco malware, and some Gaming Quick Hits with an update on DL 2. We also have the run down on the be quiet! Pure Power 11 850w PSU. Check out the topics below.
Big shout to and thank you to our Patreon members both new and existing ones that are bumping their patronage! Could not be doing this without you all!
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Show Topics
- Josh: Too long without a motherboard pick!
- Jeremy: Too funny not to talk about, NPR kills Mazdas
- Brett: 1TB SK Hynix S31 SSD for $80
- Sebastian: The Electric Tea Kettle (Farberware)
A few shows ago you mentioned the new location of the PCPer IRC. My Quassel instance is still trying to connect to irc.pcper.com:6667. I can’t locate the new server address on the site, can you provide it here?
#pcper on GameSurge , usually one of the defaults in IRC instances