Solium Infernum Claws It’s Way Out Of Hades, Again

Source: Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN Solium Infernum Claws It’s Way Out Of Hades, Again

A Literal Popularity Contest From Hell

The original Solium Infernum didn’t get much press, so for many the updated and enhanced release will be the first time taking a look at this game.  The premise is that Lucifer has disappeared, leaving a power void which any self respecting Prince of Hell is going to immediately take advantage of.  You choose the Prince you want to use to take control of Hell’s capital, Pandemonium, so you can claim the Infernal Throne before anyone else.  The game will support up to six players, and as the map wraps on all edges your competitors can come at you from any direction; the same applies to you of course.

Instead of focusing on building armies to take out the competition, you spend more time plotting and coercing your opponents, finding making them serve you in true demonic fashion.  The graphics have been significantly upgraded from the original, though they have kept the same overall style for the 2D assets.  There are a large amount of paintings you will see displayed over the course of game, as well as the artwork on the cards.  This is not a card game in the usual sense, the cards are more of a character sheet for yourself and your pawns.

As of yet there is little more than the trailer and a few screenshots on Steam, but if you are into intrigue this is worth keeping an eye out for next year.

Originally released in 2009 by solo dev Vic Davis and his studio Cryptic Comet, Solium Infernum cast you as an Archfiend hoping to stake a claim for Satan's empty throne.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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