South Of Midnight Tempts Us With Unique Folklore

Source: Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN South Of Midnight Tempts Us With Unique Folklore

Not Many Games Feature Mythology From The Deep South Of The US

The vast majority of games prefer European mythology, with some ventures into Oriental myth but there’s a very small pool that take place in the deep south of the US.  This could make the upcoming release of  South of Midnight interesting for those looking for something new.  As an example, Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN spotted Huggin’ Molly, a legend from Abbeville, Alabama, in the latest trailer.

You play as a young woman named Hazel who gets pulled into a Southern Gothic world after a hurricane hits her home, sending it and her mother … somewhere.  The trailer looks to me a mix of Souls-like combat with a fair amount of cut scenes, so South of Midnight may not appeal to everyone but the milieu certainly makes it stand out in a very crowded market.

Check out the latest video and links to the previous ones right here.

One previous trailer showed us how the player will bash a big-armed miniboss bozo, and fly across the bog in the company of crows. While the release announcement introduced us to a long-limbed guitar player called Shakin' Bones.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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