Behold InWin's new flagship case, the Z-Tower, and stare in amazement at eight giant pieces of cast aluminium it is made from.

If you look carefully at the picture from their product page below you can just make out what appears to be a PSU at the bottom as well as a motherboard mounted on the back, or possibly not …  regardless the airflow in the case is certainly not restricted, assuming you can determine how to install the components.  This limited edition case will certainly make your system stand out, as we certainly haven't seen its like before.

For the RGB addicts comes a simliarly impressive case, the 307, which bears a resemblance to the already available 303 chassis but with a big difference.  The front panel features an array of RGB LEDs which are connected to an audio sensor so that the lightshow can change in real time based on the music you are listening to.  If you prefer you can use the GLOW software to program your own animated featurette to display

To make it even more impressive and to boost your EGO you can add some of their new RGB fans.